Keith Haring’s
Anchoring AIDS Garden Chicago is ‘Self-Portrait,’ a 30-foot tall sculpture by iconic late artist and activist Keith Haring. This sculpture is the only one of its size in existence, and is a welcome addition to Chicago’s collection of public art in the parks with a prominent Lakefront location.
‘Self-Portrait’ is provided through a generous gift from the Keith Haring Foundation with the support of Rosenthal Fine Art, Inc.
Haring, 1986. (Getty Images)
“There is no stronger activist than Keith Haring to help us honor the lives of those lost, and celebrate those who work tirelessly to educate and raise awareness. ‘Self-Portrait’s new home at AIDS Garden Chicago is a small but powerful way to continue talking about the epidemic as we fight to bring both HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths to zero.”
CPS teens help Haring paint his Chicago mural in Grant Park, 1989. (Cathyrose Melloan/Alamy Stock Photo)
— Alderman Tom Tunney
Chicago’s 44th Ward